Nimra Ahmad Novels List. available Complete Novels by Nimra Ahmad in Pdf format on Novel Bank.
Nimra Ahmad Complete Novels.
- Jannat Ky Patty by Nimra Ahmad
- Qaraqaram Ka Taj Mehal by Nimra Ahmad
- Sans Sakin Thi by Nimra Ahmad
- Namal by Nimra Ahmad
- Mushaf by Nimra Ahmad
- Iblees by Nimra Ahmad
- Had by Nimra Ahmad
- Ghumaan by Nimra Ahmad
- Beli Rajputan Ki Malka by Nimra Ahmad
- Ahmaq Tamashai by Nimra Ahmad
- Apni Ungli by Nimra Ahmad
- Paras by Nimra Ahmad
- Mehar Un Nisa by Nimra Ahmad
- Mere Khuwab Mere Jugno by Nimra Ahmad
- Wo Mera Hai by Nimra Ahmad
- Pahari Ka Qaidi by Nimra Ahmad
Nimra Ahmad About.
Nimrah Ahmad Niazi, the most celebrated, inspirational and thought provoking Urdu author,fiction writer, digest and magazine writer and most popular female Urdu novelist of Urdu who does not require any introduction to Urdu Novel readers. She is well known and acknowledged female Urdu Novelist who earned a lot of fame and success even at a very young age. She started her writing journey at a very tender age of 16 and has become one of the most popular,most distinguished and somewhat controversial young novelist in the world of Urdu Adab. There is very little detail available of her belongings as she dialikes to publicise her personals. This thing make her personality somewhat mysterious and queer. Despite of all she enjoys millions of fan following within the digest readers as well as in online novel bank.
Nimrah Ahmad started her writing journey at the age of 16. Her 1st attempt in this regard was MARY KHWAB MRY JUGNO a story dreams, struggle,restless pursuits of success. The author verbalized the dreams of life. Some peaple are fortunate enough to see their dreams come true in their lives is the theme of this novel. It also sheds light on the grey characters around us. It is interesting fiction about romance in Urdu language. keeping in view the writer's age at that time as she was just in her teens it is quite obvious to have some flaws in plot and characterization. as the plot was too good to be true. Khurram got all that he wanted in his life in a very short span of time. This seems somewhat unreal and imaginative. But as for concern the narration was good and it's a good feast for those who wanted to read the Social Romantic Novels.
The second addition to this trip was SAANS SAKIN THE a social romantic story writer behind the scene Pakistan's cricket board corruption,nepotism in the players selection procedure and back door politics along with the amorous tale of two passionate lovers AMAL AND RIYAN. It tells about the person's agony and aches and to go beyond the limits to make cinspiracies and taking revenge. it is also not a best piece of literary art because it is also one of her earlier writings so the flaws and imperfection are visible in plot and characterization. Nevertheless it is a good reading suggestions for a passionate cricket lover.
With the passage of time her writing style become more absolute and consulate. PHARI KA QAIDI is the best example of it. It is a story that depicts the plight of a widowed teacher with a disable son Aadi. The author vividly describes the challenges and provocation that a mother of a paralyzed child faces. This novel deals with the injustice and lawlessness in our country today. Even honest and loyal people are blamed even though they are deligent to their jobs. This story firstly published in Shua digest and after getting a huge feedback and request transcripted in PDF format.Although it is a short Urdu fiction story but Nimrah Ahmad has won the heearts of her readers through this masterpiece. Next is BELI RAJPUTAN KI MALIKA another big hit, romantic,thriller and suspense Urdu Novel penned by an acclaimed Urdu Novelist Nimrah Ahmad. It is a historical narrative fabel portrays the cruel cultural of United India.its a mystery thriller Urdu Novel, describes the tale of a Rajput woman Maya who lost her husband accidentally and falls in love with a dacoit who was hired to solve the mystery of her husband's murder. She also face some problems by her in-laws but she determined and refused to leave her hubbys house. The character of Maya is very strong and powerful as all other female protagonists of Nimra Ahmad. She emphasis that women should be brave and sophisticated and able enough to bear all the hardships and difficulties of life courageously. This novel is a gift for those who enjoys reading mystery thriller stories.
QRAQRAM KA TAJ MEHAL is the majestic story of two climbers of Rakaposhi mountain range who falls in love with each other. Apart from it we come to know the relationship between different people,affection,friendship and mountains.The novel story is inspired by the real life events of the rescue operation of Tomaz Homre.
The minute details of mountain along with the story and characters are exciting enough to keep you captivated through out the novel. complete details are given about climbing expidition through this novel .It also depicts the disaster caused by earth quack which came in 2008. After reading this novel one cannot ressists one self to go to that mountain range.
It is Nimras 5th novel as a digest writer and 1st one to get published as a book. Religion is the dominating theme of her later novels. as she points out that Deen is every where in our lives. we can't get without it. She does not preach it openly. She presents her thought under the disguise of very captivating stories. MUSHAF is such extra ordinary,intellectual and creatively written fictional Urdu Novel. Mushaf is the arabic name of The Holy QURAN.and selecting that name represents the importance and essential role of Quran in our lives. MUSHAF is a journey of suspense, excitement, love, trust, betryl and harsh realities of brutul life.the whole novel revolves around a girl Mehmal Ibrahim who is stubborn and annoyed from the world.but she found her righteous path as the story moves ahead. Implementstion of Quran verses in appropriate manners is just saplendid. The way Nimrah Ahmad narrated it with her creative skills is just amazing.
Another crowning achievement of Nimrah Ahmad is JANNAT KAY PATTAY a marvelous and outstanding suspense thriller tale that reached it's narator to the hight of seventh sky. This novel keeps it's suspense and mysteries till the very end of the novel. The protagonist Haya Suleman an llb (hon) student firstly appeared a very modern girl, but as the story progress she undergoes a redical changes that completely transforms her outlook toward life.Nimra Ahmad beautifully blended romance, loyality, treasure hunting and sacrifice along with enmity,wrath and fear. The narration of the novel is so strong that the readers feel themselves of wandering in the streets of Istanbul to the bosphorus sea,from the caves of Ca ppadosia to the torture cells in Indian jails. The description of taqsam squire in the form of riddles is just hatts off. JANNAT KAY PATTAY is the best choice for those who want to read some interesting thriller and suspense story.pdf format of this novel is also available.
PARAS is full of suspense, mystery and a thriller Urdu novel that is written just after JANNAT KAY PATTAY. it is a love story of Paras and Rizwan the protagonists of the novel along side the tale of lust, betrayal, hatered and revenge. its ending us quite unexpected. All the assumptions of reader proves Umaira Ahmad very dramatically twisted the story and thats the beauty of this superb novel.
NAMAL is one of the block buster and most awaited Urdu Novel of Nimrah Ahmad. This novel immediately puts her to the highest sky of fame. NAMAL is the word that is derived from the Holy Quran surah Al Namal. The writer cleverly used the verses of this surah to sort out the problems. The tafseer of Al Namal has been nicely integrated with real life events. NAMAL is the story of brutal murder cases and devious deception. According to writer this novel is inspired by the story of the murder case Shazaib Khan and Kamran Faisal (NAB officer).who were murdered by the elite class.the basic theme of the novel is the cinspiracies woven and misunderstanding they creat. The plot of the novel is divided into several parts as it addresses the various social issues at once. Characters of the novel are given equal exposure like the evil genius Haneen,the soft and caring Saadi, the brutal but honest Faras Ghazi, the sharp but stubborn zumar,the cunning Hashim,the envious nosherwan every character is perfectly portraited.
Breaking the stereotype Nimra Ahmad once again started her new novel HALIM a gemstone, heart throbbing and marvellous adventurous fiction is an excellent amulgum of suspense, mystery,humor, politics , science fiction and lots of time travel that ensures an amazing trip.many realities of life are discussed in this novel.Nimra Ahmad objected the different taboos and norms of society and suggested different reforms.she high lights the beauty of relationship.the story of the novel sets in revolves around two main characters Wan Fateh Ramzal a political leader,and an ordinary girl Talia Murad a con artist.Nimra Ahmad explained the political environment that need to be changed. Besides novels she also wrote many novelts like Haad,Guman, Ahmaq tmashai, lapta,iblees and many more. Her female protagonists are very strong,brave and in real life in 2016 Nimrah Ahmad launched an online book store named ZANJABEEL who are run by only girls and consist of mostly teen ages.Girls who are in need of jobs but couldn't go out of their houses, ZANJABEEL provided them a friendly platform to work.Apart from books it offers different items of daily use with phrases and memories pasting on these items. Thus make the girls financially empowered and becoming their own heros. In a nutshell, Nimrah Ahmad
Is creative,moralist and good thinker of the time.Her nrative style is skilled, incomparable and classy. She rapidly gained popularity and has become a high profile writer. It is because of her unique approach to write on diverse and untouched subject.she gave back to back super hit novels as MUSHAF,JANNAT KAY PATTAY, NAMAL and Her writing stly is fluent that it capture reader's attention from the very start of the story and the magic continues till the end.she has a countless readership online and pdf format on Urdu Novel Bank.
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